Looking for help regarding correct fuel lines while I await a new Dansk tank to replace the unusable one I received (thread here).
I have a '73 2.0. A PO moved the fuel pump up front and under the tank and cut out a door so that the fuel pump can be accessed from the frunk (like the '75 and '76).
First question: regarding the send and return pipes on the bottom of the tank - the send line measures at 10 mm and the return at 8 mm, yet the list in the AA fuel line kit lists both lines as 7 mm. Is that correct? I didn't want to force it, but I cannot seem to get the 7 mm line in the kit over that 10 mm pipe.
Here are pics of the pipes I'm speaking of as well as pics of what the lines were when I removed the old tank (a 5/16 AKA 7.9 mm USA made line on the send and a 7 x 3 made in Germany line on the return).
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